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Herr der Diebe
Herr der Diebe
from  Cornelia FunkeUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €12.00
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Nur noch ein einziges Mal: Roman
Nur noch ein einziges Mal: Roman
from  Colleen HooverUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €12.95
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You save €7.46 (57%)
New €12.95€5.49

Krummer Hund: Roman
Krummer Hund: Roman
from  Juliane PickelUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €8.00
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You save €2.40 (30%)
New €8.00€5.60

Vor uns das Meer: Drei Jugendliche. Drei Jahrzehnte. Eine Hoffnung - Über Mut und die Suche nach einem Zuhause für Jugendliche ab 12 (Reihe Hanser)
New €9.95
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You save €1.09 (10%)
New €9.95€8.86

PS: Du bist die Beste!
PS: Du bist die Beste!
from  Natalie BuchholzUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €14.00
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You save €4.51 (32%)
New €14.00€9.49

Hotel der Magier (Hotel der Magier 1): Ein magischer Krimi für Kinder ab 10!
New €7.99
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You save €0.12 (1%)
New €7.99€7.87

Powerless: TikTok made me buy it! An epic and sizzling fantasy romance not to be missed (The Powerless Trilogy)
New €13.00
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You save €6.76 (52%)
New €13.00€6.24

Für immer Alaska
Für immer Alaska
from  Anna WoltzUsed - goodBook - Used - good
New €8.00
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You save €2.01 (25%)
New €8.00€5.99

Gregs Tagebuch 9 - Böse Falle!: .                                                              .
Gregs Tagebuch 9 - Böse Falle!: . .
from  Jeff KinneyUsed - goodAudiobook - Used - good
New €9.99
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You save €0.68 (6%)
New €9.99€9.31

Wovon du träumst
Wovon du träumst
from  Kira GembriUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €11.00
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You save €4.51 (41%)
New €11.00€6.49

Forever kann mich mal: Umwerfend lustig und mitten aus dem Leben – Jugendbuch für Mädchen und Jungs ab 11 Jahre
New €15.00
You save €3.17 (21%)
You save €3.17 (21%)
New €15.00€11.83

Wie der Wahnsinn mir die Welt erklärte (Reihe Hanser)
Wie der Wahnsinn mir die Welt erklärte (Reihe Hanser)
from  Dita ZipfelUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €11.00
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You save €4.01 (36%)
New €11.00€6.99

Little Women. Betty und ihre Schwestern. Erster und zweiter Teil: Schmuckausgabe mit Goldprägung (Anacondas besondere Klassiker, Band 4)
New €10.00
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You save €1.14 (11%)
New €10.00€8.86

Escape Room – Es gibt kein Entkommen
Escape Room – Es gibt kein Entkommen
from  Maren StoffelsUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €10.00
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You save €3.01 (30%)
New €10.00€6.99

The Inheritance Games - Das Spiel geht weiter: Die Fortsetzung des New-York-Times-Bestsellers! (Die THE-INHERITANCE-GAMES-Reihe, Band 2)
New €15.00
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You save €3.51 (23%)
New €15.00€11.49

Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air)
Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air)
from  Holly BlackUsed - goodBook - Used - good
New €10.50
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You save €3.64 (34%)
New €10.50€6.86

Wings of Fire 1: Die Prophezeiung der Drachen - Die NY-Times Bestseller Drachen-Saga
New €14.95
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You save €10.46 (69%)
New €14.95€4.49

Good Girl, Bad Blood
Good Girl, Bad Blood
from  Holly JacksonUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €10.50
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You save €3.01 (28%)
New €10.50€7.49

The Inheritance Games - Der letzte Schachzug: Das grandiose Finale der New-York-Times-Bestseller-Trilogie (Die THE-INHERITANCE-GAMES-Reihe, Band 3)
New €15.00
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You save €3.01 (20%)
New €15.00€11.99

This Woven Kingdom
This Woven Kingdom
from  Tahereh MafiUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €11.50
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You save €4.50 (39%)
New €11.50€7.00

Zurück in Sommerby
Zurück in Sommerby
from  Kirsten BoieUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €14.00
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You save €3.51 (25%)
New €14.00€10.49

The Inheritance Games (Die THE-INHERITANCE-GAMES-Reihe, Band 1)
New €15.00
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You save €6.51 (43%)
New €15.00€8.49

The Summer of Broken Rules: A Swoony Summer Romance
The Summer of Broken Rules: A Swoony Summer Romance
from  Walther, K. L.Used - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €11.50
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You save €3.51 (30%)
New €11.50€7.99

Never Never: Roman
Never Never: Roman
from  Colleen HooverUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €12.95
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You save €7.46 (57%)
New €12.95€5.49

Elektrische Fische: Vielfach preisgekrönte Autorin!
Elektrische Fische: Vielfach preisgekrönte Autorin!
from  Susan KrellerUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €6.99
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You save €2.50 (35%)
New €6.99€4.49

The Way I Used to Be
The Way I Used to Be
from  Amber SmithUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €11.50
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You save €4.95 (43%)
New €11.50€6.55

Ghost: Jede Menge Leben (Lauf-Reihe, Band 1)
Ghost: Jede Menge Leben (Lauf-Reihe, Band 1)
from  Jason ReynoldsUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €10.00
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You save €3.01 (30%)
New €10.00€6.99

Hannas Regen: Ein großartiges Buch über Freundschaft und Geheimnisse!
New €15.00
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You save €7.01 (46%)
New €15.00€7.99

RAVNA – Tod in der Arktis: Nordic All-Age-Thriller
New €22.00
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You save €17.51 (79%)
New €22.00€4.49

Rulantica (Bd. 2): Die Verschwörung der Götter
Rulantica (Bd. 2): Die Verschwörung der Götter
from  Michaela HanauerUsed - very goodBook - Used - very good
New €18.00
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You save €5.01 (27%)
New €18.00€12.99