
    Devotional Worship Book of Shetaut Neter: Medu Neter song, chant and hymn book for daily practice

    Devotional Worship Book of Shetaut Neter: Medu Neter song, chant and hymn book for daily practice


    Ushet Hekau Shedy Sema Tawi Uashu, or Ushet, means "to worship the Divine" and involves both external and internal practices. External worship includes visiting pilgrimage centers and temples, while internal worship involves private meditation and uttering words of power. Ushet signifies developing love for the Divine and is also known as sma uash or Yoga of Devotion. This practice leads to inner peace, contentment, and universal love, ultimately resulting in spiritual enlightenment or union with the Divine. For more details, refer to "The Path of Divine Love" by Dr. Muata Ashby.

    This manuscript, authored by Sebai Dr. Muata Abhaya Ashby, explores the ancient spiritual traditions of Shetaut Neter, the oldest known religion. Dr. Ashby, a scholar with doctorates in Religion and Holistic Health, is a certified member of the American Alternative Medical Associations and an Alternative Medical Practitioner. His extensive research in Egyptian Yoga, Indian Yoga, Chinese Yoga, Buddhism, and Christian Mysticism has led to over 25 books on Kemetic yoga and spiritual philosophy. As the founder of the Sema Institute-Temple of Aset, Dr. Ashby spreads the wisdom of Yoga and Ancient Egyptian mystical traditions. He is also an adjunct faculty member at Florida International University and the American Institute of Holistic Theology, and a certified PREP Relationship Counselor.

    Reading this manuscript provides a comprehensive understanding of Neterianism, the Ancient Egyptian Religion, which emphasizes the union of humanity and all things within the universe. The text guides readers towards spiritual enlightenment and the realization of their transcendental essence. By studying Shetaut Neter teachings, readers can achieve conscious awareness of oneness with the Divine and all Creation, transcending ego consciousness. This realization brings blessedness, peace, bliss, contentment, fulfillment, freedom from limitation, and supreme empowerment.

    The manuscript highlights the importance of devotion and wisdom in Shetaut Neter practice. It explains how worship through ritual, chant, and offering leads to higher consciousness. Both external and internal worship, along with the practice of Shedy (deep study of teachings), are essential for purifying the heart and achieving spiritual realization.

    Additionally, the manuscript offers insights into Ancient Egyptian scriptures, including Mythic Scriptures, Mystical Philosophy and Ritual Scriptures, and Wisdom Scriptures. These teachings promote spiritual wisdom, health, well-being, mental concentration, and transformation in consciousness. The text also provides practical guidance on Egyptian Yoga, or Sema Tawi, which unites the lower self with the Higher Self, leading to spiritual enlightenment.

    In conclusion, this manuscript is a treasure trove of ancient wisdom for spiritual enlightenment. Dr. Muata Ashby's extensive knowledge and experience make him a credible source. By reading this manuscript, you will gain valuable insights into Shetaut Neter and learn how to apply these teachings in your life. Embark on a transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe by purchasing your copy today.

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    Sema Institute
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    Sema Institute


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