The purpose of this book is to give an insight into what life was like growing up with autism, a condition hardly understood when I was younger; autism affects social and communication skills besides the following conditions that some individuals might experience:Repetitive and restrictive behaviour
Over-sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch
Highly focussed interests or hobbies
Extreme anxiety
Meltdowns and shutdowns
In my case, anxiety is one problem when bad memories emerge and, often soon forgotten when occupied or in the company of others.
With 20 years of gathering the relevant information, I must give thanks to my late mother. She got me started by highlighting the relevant events taking place throughout my childhood and beyond.
With so many other contacts around helping me, I cannot thank them all. I can however thank my sisters, Josephine, Norma and her friend, Ross Kane for giving me advice to self publish this book.
In time, my book should remain beneficial to the relevant professions such as teachers, researchers in autism, the police and so on so. With the appropriate professionals around, I am hoping that the younger generation with autism will be spared the pain that I have had to put up with throughout my life.