Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Feeling stuck when it comes to your finances? Think outside of the box. Think hacks!
To hack money and get ahead you need 3 things: a willingness to learn, a willingness to take action, and a creative idea. If you have the former, this book provides 101 of the latter! And it only takes ONE idea to gain (net worth) momentum.
This is your creative how-to guide to getting good with your money one unique idea, one system, one action item at a time. Frankie's hacks cover everything life can, and inevitably will, throw at you. You'll learn how to:
Lower your largest expenses
Invest with confidence
Reduce your taxable income
Side hustle from home
Create a path to passive income
Become a money minimalist
Earn cash back and tax credits
Time your biggest purchases to save
Achieve financial independence
Retire on time (or even early!)
And LOTS more! Plus, #MYCHIBOOK offers dozens of pro tips and media recommendations. 101 hacks is easily an understatement!
"This is not a stuffy charts and numbers book. It doesn't even tell you to budget! This is an idea book. This is a creative thinking book. This is an action book. In the end, you'll be convinced that when it comes to your money, you can indeed hack it!