Raindrop FallingA Westerner's journey into the center of the self
It has been a privilege to live. The miracle of self-awareness is precisely that. My recognition of life enveloping my every step is truly a marvel. Time, that elusive but unyielding heartbeat of existence, is an ingredient of Life worthy of gratitude. My time here is short, and the time for me to go is growing shorter by the hour. While I am mindful and aware, I choose to devote the time I have remaining wisely. I aim to be the first patriot of the heart.
To attain Peace requires everything you have. It is not a straightforward path to follow and the road to peace is uncrowded. Very few in history have chosen to walk this direction. It requires more strength, more courage, more determination, and more clarity than preparing for war. You will never get a medal, no one will ever know your name, there will be no statues in your honor and only you will know what you have accomplished. Only you and your creator will know what you have accomplished.
Raindrop Falling is my personal journey of discovering sanctuary within. Let me begin by saying that we hide from a great resource that has been calling our name since childhood. Although the calling of the heart is transmitted only through 'feeling' and not words. This book describes my passage to rediscover the core of the self. If you have ever felt there was more to life, I recommend turning within.
T.A. Mann