In The Lotus and the Stars, the disciplines of yoga and astrology are intertwined to allow practitioners to draw on the energies of the sun signs and the planets through specific yoga postures.
Possess the energy of Aries, the ambitions of Capricorn, or the spiritual insight of Pisces. Practice other postures to gain the mental agility of Gemini, the intensity and sexuality of Scorpio, or the creativity of Aquarius. Whatever sun sign is targeted or whichever attribute is needed, this groundbreaking method helps the body become a vehicle for transforming one's life.
The Lotus and the Stars is simple enough for the yoga novice, but even experienced yoga practitioners will find new meaning in standards such as the sun salutation when they see how the intent associated with a posture can enhance the benefit.
The Lotus and the Stars is a natural blending of two ancient and popular disciplines that are directed to the same goal: discovering and empowering the self.
In this book, readers learn how to draw on the energy associated with each sign. To do this, instructions for personalizing workouts - plus modifications for different levels of flexibility, time available, and personal preferences and needs - are included throughout.
The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of the techniques with true stories of students who have found astro-yoga helpful in their lives. They also suggest ways to use the workouts to handle common situations and problems.