Would you be willing to change everything to follow your heart and feed your soul?
Nowick Gray charts a spiraling quest for true love and utopia, following the persistent call of freedom. Surviving brushes with death, an alcoholic father, a culture of war, and his own immature hangups, he cycles through attraction and disenchantment, bound by fate and desire, to the end of a winding road.
The chronicle spans the shallow American dream of the fifties, the campus revolution of the sixties, and the soul-searching seventies... all under the shadow of the Bomb.
Readers will be inspired by this motivational example of a young man awaking to the matrix and finding ways to step away, to probe more deeply the true meaning of home and freedom, self-identity and love.
This "fast-paced, passionate, thoughtful and humorous account" recalls the autobiographical novels of Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, or Karl Ove Knausgard. It ploughs richer soil than Michael Caine's documentary film of the same title, offering scenes reminiscent of Forrest Gump, and prose that evokes Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
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