"Your indispensable guide to the poetry of these islands, now in its fifth year"
The Best British Poetry presents the finest and most engaging poems found in literary magazines and webzines over the past year. The material gathered represents the rich variety of current UK poetry. Each poem is accompanied by a note by the poet explaining the inspiration for the poem.
Featuring: Aria Misha Aber, Astrid Alben, Rachael Allen, Janette Ayachi, Tara Bergin, Crispin Best, Amy Blakemore, Sarah Boulton, Kit Buchan, Sam Buchan-Watts, Miles Burrows, Niall Campbell, Vahni Capildeo, Kayo Chingonyi, Sophie Collins, Claire Crowther, Paula Cunningham, Jesse Darling, Patricia Debney, Ian Duhig, Joe Dunthorne, Francine Elena, Inua Ellams, Andrew Elliott, Victoria Field, Annie Freud, Matthew Gregory, David Hart, Selima Hill, Sarah Howe, Kathleen Jamie, Tom Jenks, Luke Kennard, Amy Key, Kate Kilalea, Caleb Klaces, Zaffar Kunial, Daisy Lafarge, Melissa Lee-Houghton, Dorothy Lehane, Fran Lock, Adam Lowe, Chris McCabe, Amy McCauley, Alex MacDonald, Andrew McMillan, Kathryn Maris, Sophie Mayer, Kim Moore, Salah Niazi, Jeremy Over, Bobby Parker, Rebecca Perry, Holly Pester, Heather Phillipson, Padraig Regan, Sam Riviere, Sophie Robinson, Jessica Schouela, Stephen Sexton, Penelope Shuttle, Hannah Silva, Marcus Slease, Greta Stoddart, Chloe Stopa-Hunt, Rebecca Tamás, Jack Underwood, Mark Waldron, Megan Watkins, Karen McCarthy Woolf and Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch