When life happens, it just happens. No one is immune to this fact. When we look at people who have overcome unbearable conditions and thrive in life, what have they tapped into that most people can't find? When life is handing them the worst, they get stronger. When life finally opens up for them, they thrive.
People are driven by their emotions, so any event outside of the normal becomes a big deal. True power is when you have control over yourself. Winning the lottery is easy in life, yet dealing with a loved one who has just passed away is hard. They are separate events, but in reality, one moment in time and two different reactions. How long we stay inside these events will ultimately determine our life.
When we can master going up the ladder of life as well as down it, then we will never get trapped in the events of life.
The other side of any event is where we need to live.
When we can apply acceptance, adapting, and action into our lives, it changes the direction of our lives forever.
When we have a future that is always brighter than our past, we will never be a victim inside our life.
When you implement the techniques that this book offers, you will become the creator of life and not the caretaker for a life. Events will never define who you will become. When life happens, it happens! You cross the river of change and grow into who you will eventually become. Life can only travel in one direction at a time, and you get to chose that direction!