Ayanoor is a professional herbalist and grandmother fighting for social justice. But there is more to this student of nature than meets the eye. She is also an undercover demon hunter. Born of an angel and a dragon in the Fifth Realm, she came to this planet in a meteor shower in egg form and was incubated by the EarthKeepers for a very special purpose, one only she could fulfill.
Now, the demonic CEO of international corporation Mammon is making plans with other evildoers to build a development adjacent to Everglades National Park. The lavish development will jeopardize the sensitive ecosystem, perhaps destroying the Everglades and the ecology surrounding the endangered environment. Assisting Ayanoor in the fight against Mammon are angels, unicorns, spirit animals, shapeshifters, and other fantastical beings.
Ayanoor and her friends soon find themselves in great danger when Mammon's hell demons descend upon them, but Ayanoor and her fearless fighters will never give up. It's up to this brave grandmother to stop Mammon's destructive trampling of Mother Nature, conserve one of the world's most beautiful and enigmatic landscapes, and perhaps help to save mankind in the process.<\/P>"