Mathew Kemp, a model citizen of the new world, turned against organized religion. Following the Elite Society Watchers' plan to erase all things religious, he embarks on a quest to find those that do not conform to the new world order. Working for the Harding News, the country's largest news agency, gives him the chance to become a roamer reporter, getting close to those that do not conform.
In a world where computer chips are put in the right hand to identify and track all human activities, Matt is willing to risk his life to expose the nonconformist groups. His eagerness puts him in harm's way and introduces him to the Christian life.
Christians are being rounded up and executed. Matt is involved, yet learns his enemy is his friend. Matt's journey exposes the truth in a world where his thoughts and beliefs have betrayed him. This leads to Matt's Revelation-one man's journey through life-changing events that show him the truth in a world turned against religion.
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