"Confessions, communions, sermons, and community service--Father Ford did it all. Although he never fully understood what led him to the priesthood and at times just went through the motions as best he could, he managed to avoid the conflicts and dilemmas that so often destroyed the careers of fellow clergy--no sexual misconduct of any kind, no stealing, nothing that would bring disgrace to the Church. But when the Church forces the closure of his low-income congregation and assigns him to a new church in a rich part of town, a hotbed of sin, he begins to question whether the Church establishment is truly honoring God's will. Challenged by a troubled parishioner who reminds him that violence and murder have long been a vital story within the saga of human salvation, Father Ford starts to understand that God has sent this messenger for a reason. He comes to the realization that perhaps his true calling is to do whatever is necessary to purify all who sin through extreme penance. In the sanctuary of the confessional, Father Ford and his unlikely partner commit to doing the work of Christ that the Church can't or won't do. bloody work--a divine charge to cleanse the congregation and safeguard the body of Christ from sinners. Together, in order to save, they resolve to kill"--
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