It's just another day in paradise for US Coast Guard Lieutenant Joe Traynor, stationed in the Florida Keys…until he gets a call from his boss, Rear Admiral Jake Barnes. Barnes suspects that some Coast Guard members in Miami have been selling seized cocaine back to the Colombians, and Joe and his team are called in to investigate. But as Joe leaves the rear admiral's office, he runs into an ambush, at the same time that his second in command is shot and nearly killed. It seems that members of the US Coast Guard Seventh District are selling more than cocaine to the drug cartels. They're also selling information obtained from bugging the Coast Guard offices. How deep does it go, who is involved, and how are they getting away with it when audits of the warehouse where the drugs are stored show nothing is missing? Joe needs to find out-and fast-before any more top personnel and their families are threatened, including his own fiancée, Julie. However, keeping Julie safe while she negotiates a movie deal for her new book with Walt Disney Studios, outsmarting drug lords and their minions, and tracking down missing fifteen-year-old girls who have been sold into the human trafficking network are all in a day's work for Joe and his team of special investigators…if they can just survive long enough.