Although prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the USA, it can be treated successfully if detected early. Disease management has gradually changed to a paradigm that relies on close monitoring through active surveillance in select patients, as well as ongoing refinements in treatment interventions, including minimally invasive procedures. This has resulted in a critical need for a more exacting methodology for performing targeted biopsies, assessing risk levels, and devising treatment strategies. Prostate MRI has emerged as the most precise, state-of-the-art imaging modality for prostate cancer diagnosis and management, thereby creating an immediate demand for radiologists to become proficient in its use.
Conceived and edited by a leading authority, with contributions from renowned experts in the field, MRI of the Prostate: A Practical Approach is the first book to tackle this important topic. It provides an overview of the fundamentals of prostate MRI acquisition, interpretation, and reporting. Readers will benefit from a wide range of insightful perspectives gleaned from years of hands-on experience.
Key Highlights
Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) for prostate MRI interpretation and cancer risk scoring
Clinical pearls on the optimization and application of prostate MRI for risk assessment, disease staging, MRI-targeted biopsy, recurrent disease, and active surveillance
The emerging utilization of PET and PET/MRI for primary prostate cancer evaluation
More than 700 illustrations with one entirely image-based chapter featuring educational case studies
Radiologists will learn how to optimally perform and interpret prostate MRI, and referring physicians will learn to integrate it into day-to-day practice. This book is an essential resource for radiologists and radiology residents, as well as urologists, oncologists, MRI technicians, and other medical practitioners who treat patients with genitourinary disorders.