Carmilla / K. A. Opperman
Borean Soul / Jeff Burnett
Sin Eater / Jennifer Ruth Jackson
The First Haunting / M. F. Webb
The Second Haunting / M. F. Webb
The Serpent Borne of Helios / Nathaniel Reed
Coda / Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
Grin / John J. Mundy
Graveyards of the Living / G. O. Clark
Only in Dreams / Darrell Schweitzer
Angry Gods / Mary Krawczak Wilson
The Forest of Horror / Frank Coffman
The Egregious Error of Werner Witherbye / John Shirley
All Masks Are Mirrors / Ann K. Schwader
The Rime of the Eldritch Mariner / Adam Bolivar
Dark Poet of My Heart / Ashley Dioses
Dark House of Hunger / D. L. Myers
The Ghoul's Dilemma / W. H. Pugmire
The Resurrection of Death / Gregory MacDonald
The City of Dreadful Life / Richard L. Tierney
The Waves of Fear / Leigh Blackmore
Underwater / Ian Futter
Sylvan Blood / Jeff Burnett
Myths and Legends / Charles D. O'Connor III
Beyond the Stones / Liam Garriock
Cast Away / Oliver Smith
Temple of the Flame / David Barker
Me / Ross Balcom
Dies Irae / Carole Abourjeili
The Alchemist's Disease / Nathaniel Reed
Transylvanian Darkness / K. A. Opperman
The Sayings of the Seers / Wade German
Antagonist / F. J. Bergmann
Heaven in Your Arms / Jennifer Ruth Jackson
Fallow Fields / Mary Krawczak Wilson
Season Spirits / Juan J. Gutiérrez
Redux / John J. Mundy
Death and a Locket / Jonathan Thomas
The Cold Fog of Regret / John Shirley
The Endless Night / Christina Sng
An Existence / Ian Futter
Postcard from the Night Desert / G. O. Clark
Other Humans / Gregory MacDonald
The Festival / Chad Hensley
The Summons / D. L. Myers
A Traveler to the City / Frank Coffman
Fallen Atlantis / Ashley Dioses
Mari Lwyd / Liam Garriock
Yesterdawn / Jeff Burnett
In Nether Pits / David Barker
Dancer / Christina Sng
Alive / Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
Origins / Nathaniel Reed
Atu II: The High Priestess / Leigh Blackmore
Visitor / Fred Phillips