A Practical Guide & Mock Exam for the ARE
- 0 Project Planning & Design (PPD) Division!
NCARB launched ARE
- 0 on November 1, 2016. We always incorporate the latest information into our books.
To become a licensed architect, you need to have a proper combination of education and/or experience, meet your Board of Architecture's special requirements, and pass the ARE exams.
This book provides an ARE
- 0 exam overview, suggested reference and resource links, exam prep and exam taking techniques, tips and guides, and a realistic and complete mock exam with solutions and explanations for the ARE 5 Project Planning & Design (PPD) Division.
More specifically this book covers the following subjects:
- 0, AXP, and education requirements
- 0, AXP, and education requirements
ARE - 0 exam content, format, and prep strategies
ARE - 0 credit model and the easiest way to pass ARE exams by taking only 5 ARE divisions
Allocation of your time and scheduling
Timing of review: the 3016 rule; memorization methods, tips, suggestions, and mnemonics
Environmental conditions & context
Building systems, materials, & assemblies
Project integration of program & systems
Project costs & budgeting
This book includes 120 challenging questions of the same difficulty level and format as the real exam (multiple-choice, check-all-that-apply, fill-in-the-blank, hot spots, case studies, and drag-and-place), including a case study. It will help you pass the PPD division of the ARE 5 and become a licensed architect!
Can you study and pass the ARE
- 0 Project Planning & Design (PPD) Exam in 2 weeks?
The answer is yes: IF you study the right materials, you can pass with 2 weeks of prep.
If you study our book, "Project Planning & Design (PPD) ARE
- 0 Mock Exam," you have an excellent chance of studying and passing the ARE 5.0 Project Planning & Design (PPD) Exam in 2 weeks. We have added many tips and tricks that WILL help you pass the exam on your first try. Our goal is to take a very complicated subject and make it simple. "Project Planning & Design (PPD) ARE 5.0 Mock Exam" will save you time and money and help you pass the exam on the first try!
ArchiteG®, Green Associate Exam Guide®, GA Study®, and GreenExamEducation® are registered trademarks owned by Gang Chen.
ARE®, Architect Registration Examination® are registered trademarks owned by NCARB.