John Goldingay is an internationally renowned biblical scholar, teacher, and theologian whose writings have impacted Christians across the globe. In Conversations at the Edges of Things, Francis Bridger and James Butler bring together a wide-ranging collection of essays from John's friends and colleagues throughout his career and around the world in honor of his seventieth birthday and his lifetime's service to the church and the academy.
Roger Bowen
Francis Bridger
Colin Buchanan
James T. Butler
Graham Buxton
George Carey
Christopher Cocksworth
Vivienne Faull
Kathleen Scott Goldingay
Sarah Goldingay
Athena Gorospe
Philip Jenson
Robert King
Anne Long
Nancey Murphy
Gordon Oliver
Tom Smail
Marianne Meye Thompson
Stephen Travis
"This rich volume is for those prepared to marry rigorous, modern, and questioning intellect with an open-hearted and passionate commitment to following the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
--H. G. M. Williamson, Professor of Hebrew, University of Oxford
"These lively and wide-ranging essays reflect the engaging qualities of John Goldingay's own work, and suggestively roam across conventional scholarly boundaries. A stimulating read!"
--Walter Moberly, Professor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation, Durham University
"John Goldingay is arguably our most compelling point person at the interface between evangelical faith and critical study. These essays in his honor reflect the breadth and depth of his influence and offer suggestive reflections on text and culture. They will serve to summon serious evangelicals to think well and critically . . . The outcome is a fitting tribute and welcome read."
--Walter Brueggemann, Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary
Author Biography:
Francis Bridger is Ecclesiastical Professor of Anglican Studies and Executive Director of the Center for Anglican Communion Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. Among his publications are Counselling in Context and Christian Counselling and the Challenge of Postmodernism.
James Butler is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the coeditor of Understanding the Word: Essays in Honor of Bernhard W. Anderson.