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The No People: Tribal Tales of Organizational Cliff Dwellers (Hc)

The No People: Tribal Tales of Organizational Cliff Dwellers (Hc)


This book focuses on capturing one of the most important elements in successful leadership-
giving followers a voice and motivating them to use that voice to help the leader be successful.
The book is based on taking real stories of effective versus ineffective leaders from around the
world, and sharing the lessons learned that facilitate or detract from followers helping leaders to
be at their very best. Every leader comes to a cliff, so the author asks the fundamental question,
which ones have followers that grab them to pull them back from the abyss, and which ones have
followers that give them a nudge towards the abyss?
This book threads many of the core concepts associated with the science and practice of
leadership, such as authenticity, ownership and innovation, into the stories that help explain how
leaders can create the conditions for followers to take ownership in ways that facilitate effective
innovation and performance. The stories were purposely chosen for inclusion that would be the ones that readers would most likely
identify with and apply to their own development. Moreover, the stories are framed by concepts and constructs in the field of leadership
that have been well studied.
This is the type of book, that one would expect managers to buy 20 copies for all of their followers to read and then perhaps discuss
why the leader wants more "No People" in his or her unit. The book was written to be highly accessible to a very wide range of
audiences from teachers to trainers to top management teams. Ideally, keeping the length short, easy to read, and reasonably priced for
high volume sales, will offer this book its best chance of success in the global market.

Product details

Bound edition
Number of pages:
Publication date:
Information Age Publishing
Bound edition
Number of pages:
Publication date:
Information Age Publishing


The edition supplied may vary.
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