America is at a tipping point! What is the root cause of our societal pandemic? Author, coach and international consultant, Paul Benjamin Sr. unpacks powerful principles to help you understand the "why" behind:
• The Parkland School shooting in Florida
• Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida
• Black Lives Matter and George Floyd Murder
• Blue Lives Matter and The Pulse Night Club shooting
• Teen Girls and Boys Suicide, Cutting and Mental Health Disorders
• The Opioid Drug Epidemic, Gang Violence
• Human-Trafficking, Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence
• Gender Identity Conflict, Relationship Conflicts, Divorce
• Political Conflicts, Anti-Semitism, Terrorism
Curious? Then, No Child Without A Dad is a must-read! You will learn the one key factor that has shaped the course of the world. There is Hope. Become equipped to make a positive impact in your city today.