This book offers a survival guide for media specialists who want to THRIVE-not just SURVIVE-in their busy media centers.
Librarians jobs are getting harder and harder, yet few books exist solely to help them identify and deal with stress. Library Lifesavers: A Survival Guide for Stressed Out Librarians fills that gap. This unique self-help book offers today's multitasking media specialists the ready-to-use strategies-Lifesaver Tools-they need to find balance and stay afloat.
Identical twins Pamela and Tamora Bacon organized their book around the THRIVE theme, presenting six basic tenets:
T - Take Action
H - Hurry No More
R - Read & Regain Control
I - Inspire Yourself & Others
V - Vision . Past, Present & Future
E - Exercise Your Mind & Body
Each section begins with a real-life question, followed by practical advice and hands-on activities to help librarians "renew" themselves professionally and personally. Whether you read the chapters sequentially or randomly , this unique volume may be the difference between sinking and enjoying the ride.