Finding Our Way brings together Margaret Wheatley's shorter writings for the first time. But it is more than a compendium of previously published material. "The pieces presented here," Dr. Wheatley writes, "represent ten years of work, of how I took the ideas in my books and applied them in practice in many different situations. However, this is not just a collection of articles. I updated, revised, or substantially added to the original content of each one. In this way, everything written here represents my current views on the subjects I write about." These collected articles support the practices of people and leaders in many different types of organizations, communities, and cultures. With audiences including: school leaders, corporate leaders, religious leaders, parents, community organizers, and teenagers, these articles span the globe, drawing on Wheatley's decade of experience working all over the world. Provocative, challenging, at times poetic, often deeply moving, Finding Our Way sums up Wheatley's thinking on a divers scope of topics, from leadership and management, to social change, to our personal role in these turbulent times.