Find the Courage to Embrace Your Authentic Self
Transform your fear into courage. Surrounded by the pressures of society, we often measure ourselves by impossible standards. We see images of idealized women, and become scared that our own bodies, personalities, or ambitions do not measure up and are not worthy. As a result of her own life experiences, author Sue Patton understands what it's like to be scared and unsure of your place. But her words inspire readers to take courage in their own identity and find happiness through it.
Target harmful patterns. How we live each day shapes who we are. If our days are riddled with negative self-talk, our happiness inevitably suffers. Unhealthy mindsets can also infiltrate our relationship with others. Women, especially, feel the need to be caretakers, looking out for the needs of others and often, putting their needs above our own. By learning how to identify these patterns, we can target areas that need change in our lives.
Become a loving friend to yourself. While all of us certainly have a calling to love others, it is just as important to gift that same love to yourself. Without self-love, there can be no positive growth. In this motivational book, Patton shares pieces of her story, as well as other women's, in order to help readers learn how best to journey from a place of fear to a life of courageous self-love and acceptance.
In this self-help book for women, Patton offers invaluable inspiration. Open it up and find...
If books such as The Gifts of Imperfection, Self-Compassion, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, or Girl, Stop Apologizing are on your bookshelf, then The Courage to Be Yourself is the next book for you!