No Posers, Please tackles the emerging presence of failure in Christian practice. It has embedded itself in leadership, mindset, and discipleship. To combat the first poser of failed leadership, RW Lee turns to the Old Testament book of Ezra as the source of four principles. He uncovers and describes Ezra's insights that development precedes outcome, reverence precedes worship, separation precedes magnetism, and inspiration precedes adjustment.
The second poser is failed mindset. What causes it and how to restore it are found in Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. No Posers, Please offers a common sense approach that lines up the inner person with outward actions and directs the follower to spiritual freedom. Finally, in looking at the third poser of failed discipleship, readers are urged to examine their understanding of a Christian's five functions and methods for interacting with others. Follow the example modeled by Christ of enticing, educating, and then examining those around him. Look at how he heightened his interactions by emphasizing his distinctiveness, challenging thinking, developing others, exercising authority, and being intentional with his timing.
Following the main presentation of its message, No Posers, Please includes appendices, a glossary, references, an index, and a reading list to aid the reader in gaining a deeper and richer appreciation for the work's topic.
Whatever your role in a local congregation, No Posers, Please encourages scripturally grounded ways to face, engage, and critique failure's infiltration into Christianity so that leadership, mindset, and discipleship may be restored to the intentions Christ has for his church.