I wrote this book so Christians can get the right perspective on the Word of God, the Bible, to get an understanding of the Word on healing. If you're a Christian and serve God, you have covenant rights in the Word of God. The Lord healed his people in the old covenant and the new. Jesus not only bore our sins on the cross to save us, he also bore our sicknesses so we could be healed-"by whose stripes we were healed" (Isaiah 53:3-5). In this book I go into detail in the word of God about how healing belongs to us; it's our God-given covenant right, and Jesus paid the price for it. There are many ways to be healed in the Word of God. In this book I go into specific detail regarding how to walk and live in divine health and how to receive your healing. As a minister, I have seen people healed time after time. God can't lie or fail-just believe.