'What skills will I need to prosper in five, ten, twenty years' time?'
You're asking the wrong question.
Skills become outdated the moment you learn them; knowledge becomes surpassed instantly.
If you want to future-proof yourself, you need to become an ideas person:adaptable, open minded, adept at problem solving. A communicator, inventor, artist and entertainer.
An Olympic athlete trains their body. A creative person has to train their imagination. The exercises in these pages will make your mind fit and lean enough to be an ideas generator, to develop your conceptual ability and creative potential regardless of your background or profession.
Think beyond what is accepted and conventional.
Biog [include author pic]:
Rod Judkins is an accomplished lecturer at Central St Martins, one of the world's pre-eminent art schools, and author of The Art of Creative Thinking, which has been translated into a dozen languages.