'Loved James Acaster's memoir . . . paints a striking picture of what it means to be a modern musician' - Edgar Wright
January, 2017.
James Acaster wakes hungover and heartbroken in New York. Luckily, there is one thing he can rely on for comfort - music. In true Acaster fashion, this results in a completely unnecessary mission: to buy as much music as he can released in 2016, the year before everything went wrong (for James, at least). Some albums are life-changing masterpieces, others are 'Howdilly Doodilly' by Okilly Dokilly, a metalcore album devoted to The Simpsons character Ned Flanders. But all of them play a part in the year that James gets his life back on track.
By turns hilarious, moving, Perfect Sound Whatever sees James takes us through the music of 2016, the bullshit of 2017, and how the beauty of one defeated the ugliness of the other.
'James Acaster is a music wonk with a sense of the ridiculous and his controversial theory that 2016 was the greatest year for music ever is off by a mere five decades. Interesting take, though' - David St. Hubbins, Spin"al Tap