This republication of Dr. John Gill's work is taken from his book VI, of A Body of Doctrinal Divinity. It treats the subject of the blessings of grace and the doctrines that holds them forth. It is presented to assist in the understanding of the subject and to promote discussions relating to the death resurrection and ascension of the lord Jesus Christ .
It treats the subject of the extent of the atonement due to the fact that most professing Christians today misunderstand the subject and speak against those who differ from them. This is due to ignorance and the need to understand the word of God more fully.
We recommend a careful study of Dr. John Gill's works, as set out in his A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity ( as listed at the back of this book). This book will assist those who are familiar with the disputes that have taken place in the past as those who will be aware of the Synod of Dort ( also known as the Synod of Dordrecht) which was an international Synod held in Dordrecht in 1618-1619, by the Dutch Reformed Church, to settle a divisive controversy initially by the rise of Arminianism.