Life has a way of breaking us into pieces. It can chip away at the soul with each loss, failure, and disappointment. And with every chipped away piece, it can leave us sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of discouragement and despair.
Grace in a Shattered Place offers comfort to the weary and discouraged soul as it opens the door to a new perspective on shattered dreams, shattered hopes, and even shattered faith.
From the very beginning, Stephanie breaks down the wall of spiritual cliché's and comes directly for the reader's heart. Through her words, she takes the reader by the hand, looks them in the eyes, and makes a pact to just be real.
From the place of real, Stephanie empathizes with the reader's brokenness while she gently ushers the reader back to a place of hope by suggesting that grace isn't only found in the getting up, but in the looking up.