On a planet called Frandis is a continent called Traztajor, which is divided into eight countries. Kangalor in the west is the largest of these countries. In the north an area known as the upland is under the despotic rule of Zackard Lei, who is ruthless, brutal and mad. Lei, the leader of the Das Blaazd Society of Thaumaturgery has once before made war on the midland and downland areas of Kangalor, bringing much death and devastation until he was driven back behind his own borders by the brilliant and courageous leadership of Zaland Arj, the formidable leader of the Maj Society of Thaumaturgery. For five years there has been peace. Now Lei is plotting mayhem and turmoil for the unsuspecting population of Kangalor. He has developed huge cannon and explosive devices to use against the Kangalor Army. He has ordered the building of a large fleet of ships who's only purpose is to land Lei's soldiers, under blazd leaders, all along the west coast of Kangalor and let his soldiers burn, slaughter and plunder as they please. But there are dragons, who's powerful black leader, the mighty Zagog brings terrible revenge that will help to overturn Lei's plans.