'Funny, smart, ingenious, moving, altogether great' Nick Hornby
'A comedy, a tragedy, a tour-de-force. I have never seen anything like it before. Genius' Ann Patchett
'It's The Royal Tenenbaums meets Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? I'd call The Family Fang a guilty pleasure but it's too damn smart. Here, finally, is a much needed reminder that astute fiction can still be a total blast' Hannah Pittard
'Wilson writes with the studied quirkiness of George Saunders or film-maker Wes Anderson, and there's some genuine warmth beneath all the surface eccentricity' Entertainment Weekly
'Funny and off-kilter . . . What could devolve into little more than slapstick becomes, in Wilson's skilled hands and, let's face it, somewhat strange imagination, a rich and textured read' Chicago Tribune