Mr. Silver, in his newest Ookie Brothers mystery, blends fantasy, time travel, intrigue, and outright horror in Journey to Evil: A Case of Sweet Revenge.
A sequel to his first mystery, The Vengeful Veterinarian, this new tale sees the return of Mr. Black, evil incarnate, who was thought by the Ookie brothers to be dead and long since burning in hell. But Pookie, Mookie, and Dookie are wrong, maybe dead wrong!
With the help of the most renowned detectives of their time, Sirs Prescott and Basil Youngblood, a chief inspector from Scotland Yard and a host of incredible characters from the present day USA and 19th century England, they seek to rid the world of Mr. Black, once and for all. Unfortunately, this powerful evil is out for sweet revenge and his diabolical scheme won't end until he destroys the Ookie brothers and everyone around them.
Mr. Silver's dog detectives always challenge the readers. Written for pre-teens, teenagers and young adults, his many followers have tried to solve the mysteries, but few do until the last chapter.