Is he a cat or a cow? This is the question Mother Cat begins to ask when her triplet kittens are born on the Barnaby farm. The Barnaby triplets, Abby, Aidan and Savannah each choose their very own favorite kitten to love. Rusty and Dusty, the first two, look and act very much alike and their days on the farm are joyful! Moo, the third kitten, is different from his brothers in all ways. Look at those black and white spots! Just watch how he lays in the mud and plays with those cows! Why won't he lie still while Mother Cat tries to feed and bathe him? Life for Moo is extremely difficult from the beginning. What happens when Moo joins forces with his friends, the cows, Mavis and Milly and Molly and Tilly, to help his brothers, will delight and surprise you and show that despite our differences, we can all be friends.