What are the thoughts of the enemy of God concerning the entire human race?
His thoughts are to steal, kill, and destroy; he is the ultimate thief in human history. He will steal your possessions, your loved ones, your parents, your family, and your friends. He will steal your health, steal your wealth, steal your reputation, steal your means of making a living, and steal your joy of life. He is the unseen ruler of this world.
How does the enemy kill? How does he slay, murder, slaughter, execute, destroy, exterminate, eradicate, and assassinate? How does he massacre and dispatch members of the human race? He and his demons accomplish this by continuously attacking God's creation, especially humans, by promoting every form of deceit and everything that God disapproves of with the intent of destroying life, especially the lives of those who refuse to love the truth.
How does the enemy destroy? How does he defeat, crush, subdue, demolish, annihilate, overcome, overthrow, and wipe out the unbelieving populations of adults and the innocent on planet earth? He does this through hate. The enemy hates God, and he hates what God loves; he hates integrity, he hates creation, and he hates Zion, and he especially hates those who love God, because God is love.
This book is a series of short, descriptive essays on the thoughts and plots of the enemy who wants to destroy Love and all of His creation. On the last page of each essay are comments. Think about each essay; what are your thoughts? Let these essays remind you to take on the whole armor of God and be ready to stand against the evil one, by knowing, understanding, teaching, speaking, and applying the Word as you go about your everyday life.<\/P>"