Don't believe those who say you can't go home again! You clearly can return to a time and place that you once loved, as Dan Parrish learned, when he flew back to Misery Bay, Michigan for his father's funeral.
Dan decides to remain in town to help solve a murder that took place the night of a beach party forty years ago when he was a teenager. As the mystery unfolds, Dan discovers that he is able to reconnect easily with the friends and neighbors he left behind.
Though the circumstances of these people are far different now, he can still see wild and crazy Fritz Pickett spinning his car out of control on an ice-covered lake at midnight; weed-smoking Tootie Lots-of-Rubbage stealing the door of a police car during his nightshift at a local grocery store; and sexy Candi Smith recoiling in horror when a photo of her naked in the locker room is pinned to the Main Office bulletin board.
Life on Misery Bay is for those who wish they could return to the days when they didn't have a care in the world. When hanging out with friends was all that mattered. When life was simple - and fun.