Visualize a typical product-training program: large audiences, death by PowerPoint, and attendees secretly texting away on their cell phones. And the managers? Well, they have left the room. The truth is that adults (such as salespeople!) do not learn, much less retain, information presented to them using passive (thus boring!) training methods.
Adequate training does not necessarily mean adequate content: many product training programs offer abundant and excellent product training material. The way that people are trained-that is, the strategic approach to behavioral modification-is as important as what people are trained on. Thus, a paradigm shift in training strategy may be indicated by introducing innovative learning techniques into the product training environment.
After reading this book, you'll be able to take steps to
Use blended learning principles in a holistic approach to increase learning retention
Make use of the most innovative training techniques
Harness the power of Adult Learning Theory
Maximize learning using a small group setting
Learn how to use real-life case studies to enhance learning
And much more!
If you are still under the impression that adequate content ensures adequate training, then think again. Take the strategic approach to allow employees to retain more of what they learn and increase sales. While targeted at companies with advanced technologies, anyone can benefit from reading this book.
Take yourself and your employees to the next level and learn the secrets behind Innovations in Product Training.