What if someone came along and offered you the chance to 'take the road less traveled', the chance to live a dream?
Such was the case for Neil Baxter, Zach Thomas and Tony Merello in Book One of the TRIO series, 'Heroes'. Now the story continues in Book Two 'Dark Dragon's Dawn'.
Helana has been banished, and peace has returned to the new world of Avalon. A royal wedding is about to take place as Neil and the princess Tasha are to be wed and hence become the new King and Queen, beginning a new chapter in Avalon's Monarchy! However, Helana had an apprentice, a young lady who has her own agenda for the throne of Avalon. Her plot involves the alliance with another race, Dragons, and to use them to assist in her quest for the throne. She hopes to acquire the aid of one particular dragon, The Dark Dragon, once a creature of destruction, now a statue of stone. It can only be freed with a long forgotten spell and used only once before in its entrapment. A rare eclipse is about to occur, and it can provide the necessary energy to make the spell work and Helana's former apprentice is counting on the wizard Malcolm to use the same eclipse to achieve his own agenda. For if he does, then the door is opened for her.
A magic forgotten is invoked
A dark malevolent force is freed
The purest of magic's is hunted
And a friend returns...
As shadow spreads over the land it is time to Return to the Adventure and Return to the Magic.