The story is based on three events which occurred on the 5th of October 1968 in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and on a train traveling from Dublin to Belfast.
The first event, the civil rights march in Derry, NI would shape the future history of Northern Ireland.
The suicide of a decorated British General in the Republic would be the cause of the fall from grace of a number of high British officials years later.
The train robbery which cost the life of three innocent men would not be solved for thirty years.
In 1998 a number of top officials of the British government arranged for three retired MI-6 officers to organize a unit whose sole mission was to solve the mystery of the train robbery and locate a large number of British certificates worth millions of pounds. This unit would consist of active intelligent personnel and six individuals from the United States, Canada, Australia and the Republic of Ireland. These six individuals had experiences which would allow them to be placed in positions where it was believed information could be obtained concerning the train robbery.