In the sequel to The Secret of Baiting Hollow, thirteen-year-old Brigit, a fourth generation descendent of Irish-American potato farmers on eastern Long Island, New York, continues on her journey through imagination and wonder as she holds a precious secret close to her heart-the secret of the Baiting Hollow merpeople.
Soon Brigit's family will head back to Long Island for their two-week vacation in the Twomey farmhouse. In the meantime, Brigit's thoughts wander to Kevin O'Connell and the secret about the Twomey legacy he shared with both Brigit and her sister, Barbara, during their vacation the previous summer. Knowing that she is the adopted daughter of a mermaid makes her return to the Twomey farm for the strawberry harvest even more special, but tragedy strikes when Brigit learns that her friend, Kevin O'Connell, has been lost at sea during a terrible storm.
As the two sisters begin their getaway on their relatives' farm, Brigit suddenly realizes that others may know the secret of Baiting Hollow as stories about mermaids, a banshee, wishing stones, and the enchantment of slack tide lead the two girls on another exciting adventure through a world of fantasy.