
    Holy Ghost Thou Art Loosed: The Chains Are Off! Volume 1

    Holy Ghost Thou Art Loosed: The Chains Are Off! Volume 1


    This book is a must read for all of those who are looking for a true word in a deceptive society. Finally, read a book that says what you've been thinking, but to afraid to say.

    Today in the Body of Christ Christian morale and true leadership is at an all time low.

    Many leaders are committing such wickedness in the church as; spiritual incest (having sexual relations with their own congregational members); feeding themselves and not the flocks (where as the sheep are destitute and living without; while pastors and leaders are making a living on their flocks; living and driving the finest).

    Many pastors and leaders are molesting children, or allowing them to be molested. They boldly walk in a Laocidean spirit, where money has become their great god; they preach a watered down and powerless gospel, and are afraid to speak or stand for truth.

    The result is; weak, frail, compromising, powerless, and misguided flocks. Such sheep are in search of a shepherd. Should not the shepherds be searching for the sheep?

    Jesus foretold us that such apostasy would take place in the church. In spite of this truth; there are still many godly leaders who will not bow their knee to Baal; or worship the false gods of compromise, materialism, idolatry, spiritual bribery, or participate in the secret worship of Satan.

    Though, their voices seem to be muffled by the outcry of those who desire to fulfill the lusts of their flesh, rather than to fulfill the Will of God in their lives.

    God is bringing to the forefront a remnant army of prophetic and apostolic leaders that will declare as the Lord has declares! They will not compromise! Pastor Sharon Walker is one of many such people.

    In this book Holy Ghost Thou art Loosed/ The Chains are Off! You will be challenged to change. Confronted with truth that has been avoided in many sanctuaries around the world, and most of all you will recognize the need of the Holy Ghost to be loosed in every area of our lives! After reading this book, you will shout with those who have been transformed by this book; Holy Ghost Thou art Loosed/ The Chains are Off!

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