Many healthy people have heart disease in their blood, and know nothing about it. This compelling story, while warning those happy and unsuspecting people, will also be welcomed by newly diagnosed patients of Angina. Veterans of Coronary Heart Disease, will identify with the authors experience of stroke, heart attack, and open heart surgery, but his narrative goes on to expose the unexpected emotional trauma, which appears without warning, and can destroy family relationships through suicidal desparation. This is a true story, written by an Engishman for a world readership. The disease is not an English disease, and we need to face up to it together. It is a book of amusing insights, and anecdotes surrounding clinical proceedures, and will be enjoyed by consultants, doctors, nurses, and technicians throughout the world, who deal with people suffering from this debilitating disease. It is a wonderful story of a patient's experience, which should help many victims, and those people who care for them.