Tavis Smiley brings us a collector's edition of his thought-provoking and action-guided commentaries as heard by millions on The Tom Joyner Morning Show. Included are memorable on-air campaigns--which have changed how companies do business with African Americans. These campaigns included: CompUSA: when Tavis and Tom compiled a list of companies--the first target being CompUSA--that get millions of dollars from Black Customers to pressure them to buy more ads in the Black media; Rosa Parks: Tavis led a six week campaign to get Congress to award Parks the Congressional Gold Medal, which she received from President Clinton in 1999; Black Shows on Network Television: Tavis launched campaigns to urge Fox TV to return Living Single to its line-up; and was instrumental in seeing that City of Angels wasn't pulled from CBS's schedule in 2000; and much more! Regarded by many as "the voice of Black America," Smiley's commentaries spark dialogue and debate.