In this somewhat emotional book, you will find it argued that anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is not real, but is in fact no more than a political tool. Actually, we'd be better of with more carbon dioxide rather than less.
Further along in the book, you will find reasons (and possible ways) to in fact stop the failed experiment of politics and return to a more natural order: liberty, no aggression, no hypocrisy and a (better) future for all.
It's the only way forward for mankind (planetkind). Also, government has turned against the people, and has thereby waived its right of existence. The only way forward for human kind, would be without government, in its entirety, as government will always devolve into what it is now: a force for harm. Like it or not, this leaves open only one (also the most durable) option: anarchism. Do not fear disorder: anarchism shall lead to more order in society. Anarchism is better in so many ways, that they would fill a whole book, and still leave out some.