This book represents many years of research into the fascinating art of Goju Ryu Karate-Do concerning the relationship between Junbi Undo, Hojo Undo and Sanchin. Covering the history, correct practise, advanced Qigong and esoteric studies within these traditions, this work is aimed directly at the intermediate or advanced practitioner seeking to add greater depth to their understanding of these areas, and how to effectively apply them to the advanced classical kata of Goju Ryu.
Topics include: Junbi Undo theory and practise, The origins of Sanchin, The Go and Ju of Sanchin, Shime application and theory, Go and Ju in relation to the body, Sanchin no Chikara Michi (strength paths of Sanchin), Sanchin Qigong exercises, San Tanden (the 3 tanden), Ancient beliefs which influenced the development of kata.