Peter Schiff writes unflinchingly sharp criticism about United States economic policies. In The Real Crash, Schiff details the issues facing our current economy, and predicts that if changes are not made, the worse crash is still to come. Schiff's primary argument is that Americans are doing too much consuming and borrowing and too little producing and saving, an unhealthy pattern that has lead to serious problems for the nation's economy. He explains that the government is exacerbating the situation by creating bailouts and stimulus plans that are merely blowing the bubble back up instead of revamping the broken system. Schiff"s prescription is this: we need to consume less and save more while companies invest for the long-term and the government tightens its belt. Perhaps most shockingly, Schiff declares that the only good solution is the one that no politician, debt commission, or TV talking head is proposing: America needs to acknowledge the reality, default, and declare bankruptcy. That way, we can begin reforming our broken system from the ground up. In The Real Crash, Schiff offers a coherent analysis about the issues facing the US economy today, and lays out a clear solution that will help get America back on its feet.