A Collection of all the Most Important Documents on the Subject of Speculative Free Masonry. This is the single most important exposé of Freemasonry ever published on American soil. Long out of print and difficult to obtain, this book was a product of the "Morgan episode" and has since become one of the most sought after items by all students of Masonic ritual. Once dubbed "the Bible of the anti-Masons," it includes hundreds of pages of verbatim degree work copied from rare manuscripts which are unobtainable elsewhere. Henry W. Coil wrote in his Masonic Encyclopedia that this book gives the Scottish Rite rituals as they were worked before Albert Pike revised them, and indeed, some of its rituals are extremely similiar to those in the 1783 Francken Manuscript. Having studied both Pike's rituals and those included in this book, we believe that Pike used Light on Masonry to help in writing his "Magnum Opus" because the secret work in both books is too close to be mere coincidence. RITUALISTIC CONTENTS: Entered Apprentice; Fellow Craft; Master Mason; Mark Master; Past Master; Most Excellent Master; Royal Arch; Knight of the Red Cross; Knight Templar and Kt. of Malta; Knight of the Christian Mark and Guard of the Conclave; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; The Holy and Thrice Illustrious Order of the Cross; Secret Master; Perfect Master; Intimate Secretary; Provost and Judge; Intendant of the Buildings, or Master in Israel; Elected Knight of Nine; Elected Grand Master, or Illustrious Elected of Fifteen; Illustrious Knight or Sublime Knight Elected; Grand Master Architect; Knight of the Ninth Arch; Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason; Prince of Jerusalem; Knight of the East and West; Knight of the Eagle and Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix de Heroden; Grand Pontiff; Venerable Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges, Sov. Prince of Masonry, Master Advitiam, or Grand Pontiff; Knight of the Royal Axe, or Hache (hatchet); Chief of the Tabernacle; Prince of the Tabernacle; Knight of the Brazen Serpent; Prince of Mercy, or Scotch Trinitarian; Sovereign Commander of the Temple at Jerusalem; Kt. Adept of the Eagle, or Sun; Knight of Kadosh; Prince of the Royal Secret; Sovereign Grand Inspector General; Circular of Grand Inspectors; Elu de Perignan; Le Petit Architect; Grand Architect, or Compagnon Ecossois; Le Maitre Ecossois; Chevalier de l'Orient; Le Chevalier Rose Croix; Chevalier Prussien. ALSO INCLUDES the anti-Masonic committee reports, convention proceedings, orations, essays, etc. relative to the abduction of William Morgan, the trial of Eli Bruce (and others) for conspiracy, a History of Freemasonry and much more. This is a facsimile of the third (and best) edition, printed in 1829.