"It's likely that you will live longer, work longer, and hold more jobs than any generation that's come before. And unlike the days of lifetime employment with one company, now it's totally up to you to make your career everything you want it to be. Stretch is a book that challenges you to leave your comfort zone with its honesty and its practical approach to helping you expand your career options as far as they will go."
?Daniel H. Pink, Best-selling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human
> ?Joseph Grenny, Best-selling author of Crucial Conversations
"Stretch is a true wake up call. At the heart of this book is a simple truth: the secret to thriving at work and in life lies in your hands. Mistick and Willyerd provide a remarkable read filled with great stories, compelling research, and highly practical tips to become more engaged both at work and in life."
?William Byham, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Development Dimensions International, Author of Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment
"Stretch is a fascinating read with powerful stories and solid research. No matter what your career stage, this book will help you reach a new level."
?Heather Hiles, CEO, Pathbrite, 100 Coolest People in Tech, LinkedIn Influencer
> ?Bill McDermott, CEO, SAP, Author of Winner's Dream