Tackle everything about football with this comprehensive guidefrom the pros!
Always wanted to understand football, but don't know your X'sfrom your O's? Football For Dummies has you covered! Thisfun, easy-to-read guide offers a comprehensive overview of thegame. Former professional player and current NFL analyst Howie Longteams up with professional football consultant John Czarnecki toguide you through the game like no one else can, with analysis offootball positions, basic and advanced offensive and defensivestrategies, and the latest updates to the game and the rules. Learnabout the latest NFL stadium technologies, new stars in the game,and get details about football that apply to every level, from peewee to high school, college, and the pros!
Perfect for both knowledgeable fans as a reference, or to thosenew to the sport, this fun guide makes learning football easy. Jumpin and you'll be talking the football talk in no time!
* Offers a perfect comprehensive and updated guide to footballfor both new fans and old pros
* Provides detailed explanations of positions, offensive anddefensive plays, and analysis of approaches to various gamesituations
* Includes updated content on new stadium technology, newplayers, and the latest rules and regulations
* Packed with information that's applicable for every level
Dive right in to Football For Dummies to get the latestin-depth analysis to the most popular sport in America!