What new directions in China's digital economy mean for us all
China is the largest homogenous digital market on Earth: unified by language, culture, and mobile payments. Not only a consumer market of unrivaled size, it's also a vast and hyperactive innovation ecosystem for new technologies. And as China's digital economy moves from a consumer-focused phase to an enterprise-oriented one, Chinese companies are rushing to capitalize on ways the newer wave of tech--the Internet of Things, AI, blockchain, cloud computing, and data analytics (iABCD)--can unlock value for their businesses from non-traditional angles.
In China's Data Economy, Winston Ma--investment professional, capital markets attorney, adjunct professor of digital economy, and bestselling author--details the profound global implications of this new direction, including how Chinese apps for services such as food delivery expand so quickly they surpass their U.S. models within a couple of years, and how the sheer scale and pace of Chinese innovation might lead to an AI arms race in which China and the U.S. vie aggressively for leadership.
* How China's younger netizens participate in their evolving digital economy as consumers, creators, and entrepreneurs
* Why Online/Office (OMO, Online-merge-with-Offline) integration is viewed as the natural next step on from the O2O (Online-to-Offline) model used in the rest of the world
* The ways in which traditional Chinese industries such as retail, banking, and insurance are innovating to stay in the game
* What emerging markets can learn from China as they leapfrog past the personal computer age altogether, diving straight into the mobile-first economy
Anyone interested in what's next for Chinese digital powerhouses--investors, governments, entrepreneurs, international business players--will find this an essential guide to what lies ahead as China's flexes new digital muscles to create new forms of value and challenge established tech giants across the world.