> ?BJ FOGG PHD, Researcher and Founder of the Stanford University Behavior Design Lab, Author of Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything
Transformational Security Awareness offers a fresh, multidisciplinary approach to building a vital culture of awareness and secure behavior. Weaving together insights and best practices from experts in communication, persuasion, psychology, behavioral economics, organizational culture management, employee engagement, and storytelling, author Perry Carpenter empowers organizations to focus on the human element. The tools he provides let you create behavior change that enhances security at every level.
What good is awareness if your people still don't care or behave in ways that reflect the security values that you are training on? Building secure users requires an intentional focus on behavior and cultural supports, finding actionable ways to intersect with users in the ways that will be most impactful; from relevant information, to behavioral interventions, to cultural and social supports and pressures. This book helps you optimize your security program to include and work with the realities of human nature. Using the insight provided by behavioral and marketing disciplines, you'll learn to engage users, shape behaviors, and foster an organizational culture that encourages and reinforces security-related values. Don't just change what your employees know, change what they do because actions not knowledge will determine whether your organization is breached or secure.
With Transformational Security Awareness, you'll learn to account for the most important factor of your in your security program: the human factor. Discover how to:
Here's what I know:
"A transformational security awareness program will pay-off. In the same way that a steady stream of water over time will create a canyon; or that small amounts of money invested will, through the magic of compound interest, turn into large sums of money, your efforts do make a lasting impact!" ?Perry Carpenter