Life in West Virginia took a turn for the better in the old dilapidated house of her mother's that she and Elijah had bought. The mother and her brother John had moved near the other daughter, Lou, to be near as Nancy Rich had become quite senile and needed constant care. When she passed away, one of Jenny's daughters moved with them to West Virginia and the other was in Germany in the W.A.A.C's, the women's army corps.
Myree had come from service early as her husband was discharged and he moved back to Florida to be near his parents. As Usual, Jenny was fuming because she never heard from the youngest daughter. Then she remembered how her mother had taken care of that kind of problem. Mammy Rich had her daughter call 'collect' each week if she didn't hear from her. So Jenny Wren soon got the message and made it a habit to write a whole book of happenings to her mother. Her mom would laugh when she got the thick letter each week.